T1 - /tree /bigtree (Broken on secondary) You will always have access to a full server /pvp on/off /sethome /sethome 2 /home /home 2 T2 - /back /md Pig /md cow /md chicken /md sheep /sethome 3 /home 3 T3- /tpa (name) Does not have to be full name /tpahere (name) First 4 letters of name will work(most of the time) /nl (not available yet looking for replacement) /md zombie /md pigman /md skeleton /md spider T4- /v (vanish) /md ghast /md creeper T5- /fly /heal /md squid T6- /mv tp (yourname)world /md giant /md "blazeman" (not in secondary server) /md silverfish Epic- /enchant all /md enderdragon /md enderman